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- alkalinehaving a pH greater than 7.0 (contrast with acid).
- alkalinitystate or quality of being alkaline (contrast with acidity; see pH).
- allelochemicalssubstances produced naturally by plants as part of a defense against pests and other plants. May adversely affect the growth and development of other plants.
- allelopathychemical effect or inhibition of growth or development of plants that is induced by allelochemicals.
- alternatepertaining to bud or leaf arrangement. one leaf or bud at each node. situated at alternating positions along the stem. In this arrangement the leaves are not directly across from each other (contrast with opposite and whorled).
- alternate hostone of a number of separate obligate hosts to the different life stages of certain pathogens. such as rusts. which must alternate between hosts.
- American National Standards Institute (ANSI)a private non-profit organization that oversees the development of voluntary consensus standards by accredited representatives of government agencies. industry. and other stakeholders see ANSI A300. ANSI Z133 and ANSI 260.1).
- amon-eye nuta drop-forged eye nut used to fashion a through-hardware anchor.
- anaerobicwithout-or with a restricted supply of-air. Process that occurs in the absence of oxygen.
- analysisdetailed examination of the elements or structure of something.
- anatomyl) study of the structure and composition of plants and other living organisms. 2} structure and composition of p1ants and other living organism
- anchor1) in cabling. hardware to which support cable is affixed. 2) in rigging. the point at which the rigging system is secured or where friction is controlled.
- anchor blockin a mechanical advantage system that employs pulleys. the stationary block in a block and tackle system.
- anchor forcesum of the forces acting on the anchor point(s) in a rigging system.
- anchor hardwarehardware installed to affix and/or terminate a cable or guy to the tree. ground. or other device.
- anchor hitchknot commonly used to attach a line to a piece of hardware. Anchor bend.
- anchor treea tree used to provide supplemental support in a guying installation.
- ancient treea tree that has passed beyond maturity and is old or aged in comparison with other trees of the same species (see champion tree and veteran tree).
- angiospermplant with seeds borne in an ovary. Consists of two large groups: monocotyledons (grasses. palms. and related plants) and dicotyledons (most woody trees. shrubs. herbaceous plants. and related plants) (contrast with gymnosperm).
- anionion that carries a negative charge (contrast with cation).
- ANLAAmerican Nursery and Landscape Association
- annual1) a plant living only one year (contrast with biennial and perennial). 2) anything that recurs yearly. such as an assessment. inspection. program. or treatment.
- annual ringsrings of xylem that are visible in a cross-section of the stem. branches. and roots of some trees. In temperate zones. the rings typically represent one year of growth.
- ANSIAmerican National Standards Institute
- ANSI A300in the United States. industry-developed. national consensus standards of practice for tree care.
- ANSI Z60.1in the United States. industry-developed. national consensus standards for nursery stock.
- ANSI Z133in the United States industry-developed. national consensus safety standards of practice for tree care.
- ANSI Z133.1in the United States. industry-developed. national consensus safety standards of practice for tree care.
- anthocyaninred or purple pigment responsible for those colors in some parts of trees and other plants.
- anthracnosea group of fungal diseases that affect a variety of plants in warm. humid areas. caused by certain fungi. Symptoms include sunken spots or lesions (blight) of various colors in leaves. stems. fruits. or flowers. and some infections form cankers on twigs and branches. Causes wilting. withering.(...)
- antigibberellinplant growth regulator that inhibits the action of the plant hormone gibberellin. which. among other things. regulates cell elongation.
- antitranspirantsubstance applied to the foliage of plants to reduce water loss (transpiration).
- anvil-type pruning toolhand pruning tool with a sharp. straight blade that cuts against a flat metal surface (anvil).
- apexthe tip. end. or angular limit of an object; for example. the tip of a leaf or shoot.
- aphidminute. soft-bodied insect that sucks sap from plants.
- having to do with the tip of a leaf or stem.
- apical budbud at the tip of a twig or shoot (see terminal bud).
- apical controlinhibition of lateral buds. decreasing from the top down. by apical buds over many seasons. resulting in trees with an excurrent growth form.
- apical dominancecondition in which the seminal bud inhibits the growth and development of the neighboring lateral buds on the same stem formed during the same season (see crown hierarchy).
- apical meristemgrowing point in buds. and at the tips of shoots and roots.
- apical meristemsgrowing points at the tips of shoots and roots.
- apoplasmspaces in plant tissue. Includes cell walls as well as intracellular spaces (contra t with symplasm).
- appraisal(1) placing a monetary value on a tree. other plant other landscaping including hardscape. or an entire property. (2) a report stating an opinion of appraised value. (3) particularly outside the United States. an evaluation of nonmonetary landscape or plant characteristics.
- appraisal (valuation)1) placing a monetary value on a tree. plant. or other landscaping. including hardscape or an entire property. 2) a report stating an opinion of appraised value. 3 particularly outside the United States. an evaluation of nonmonetary landscape or plant characteristics.
- approach distanceswhen working near electric utilities. minimum di tance that must be maintained between conductors and other energized equipment and qualified line-clearance per om1el or per ons other than line-clearance personnel and their bodies or tools. Approach distances vary with qualifications of(...)
- appropriate response process (ARP)process of systematically acquiring and using information about the plant. the stressor. and the client to determine which course of action. if any. is recommended.
- approvedin the context of guidelines. standards and specifications. that which is acceptable to federal. state. provincial or local enforcement authorities or is an accepted industry practice.
- APTCCAsia-Pacific Tree Climbing Championship
- arboriculturethe practice and study of the care of trees and other woody plants in the landscape.
- arborista professional who possesses the technical competence through experience and related training. to provide for or supervise the management of trees and other woody plants in the residential. commercial. and public landscapes.