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- clove hitchknot used to secure a rope to an object.
- CMLcustomer minutes lost
- codominantforked branches nearly the same size in diameter. arising from a common junction and lacking a normal branch union; may have included bark.
- codominant branches/codominant stemsforked branches nearly the same size in diameter. arising from a common junction and lacking a normal branch union.
- codominant trees in a standmore than one tree sharing dominance in a stand. contrast codominant branches.
- collarRing of trunk tissue that surrounds a lateral branch at its point of attachment to the stem
- collar cuta cut made just beyond a branch collar. where the diameter tapers (see removal cut).
- collective bargaining agreementlegally binding employment contract between a union and agency for wages. benefits. working conditions. and grievance procedures.
- colloidpredominantly negatively charged soil particles of clay and humus that adsorb cations. When positively charged. anions are adsorbed. Storage site for plant nutrients.
- come-along1) portable winching device. using cable or rope to draw two objects closer together. 2) simple arrangement of rope knots and loops to create mechanical advantage.
- command-and-response systemsystem of vocal communication in tree care operations used to convey critical information and ensure understanding by another worker. often between a worker aloft and a ground worker.
- common-grade cablein North America. flexible steel rope made up of seven wire strands that are twisted helically together.
- communicationprocess of conveying information between or among people.
- compactionclosely or firmly packed or joined together (see soil compaction).
- companion cellspecialized cell in the angiosperm phloem derived from the same parent cell as the closely associated. immediately adjacent sieve-tube member.
- compatible vegetationvegetation that is desirable or consistent with the intended use of the site. For example. plant specie that will never grow sufficiently close to violate minimum clearance distances with electric conductors.
- complete fertilizerfertilizer containing the three primary elements nitrogen (N). phosphorus (P). and potassium (K).
- complexcombination of factors contributing to the stress or decline of a tree.
- compost1) n. organic matter that has been intentionally subjected to decay processes and is more or less decomposed. 2) v. to subject organic matter to decay and decomposition processes.
- compound leafleaf with two or more leaflets (contrast with simple leaf).
- compressive strengththe capacity of materials to withstand crushing pressure.
- conduction1) movement of water or nutrients within a plant. 2) the transmission of heat through matter; as in heat transferred through metal.
- conductivea material property capable of conducting heat or electricity.
- conductor1) in an electric utility system. metal wires. cables. and bus-bar used for carrying electric current. Conductors may be solid or stranded (i.e.. built up by an assembly of smaller solid conductors). 2) any object. material. or medium (e.g.. guy wires. communication cables. tools. equipment.(...)
- conductor sagin an electric utility system. linear expansion of overhead wires in warm weather and/or during periods of high electrical flow. causing a droop or sag below its height at other times.
- cone1) ovule or pollen-bearing structure of conifers. 2) a bright-colored traffic control device used to isolate areas on work sites from pedestrians or vehicles.
- conflict resolutionprocess of resolving a situation in which people feel a threat to their well-being.
- conifercone-bearing tree or other plant that has its seeds in a structure called a cone.
- connecting devicemechanical connecting link.
- connecting linkcomponent of a rigging or climbing system that connects other components.
- connector clampa multi-purpose bolt clamp that is used to bond conductors. or bond a conductor to a ground terminal or tree supplemental support system.
- conservationplanned management of natural resources to maintain value and contributions. prevent exploitation. destruction. or neglect. and minimize negative impacts from human activity.
- contact insecticidesmaterials that are applied and cause insect injury or death on contact.
- contact pesticidematerial that causes pest injury or death on contact
- contact pesticidesmaterials that are applied and cause pest injury or death on contact.
- container growntree or other plant that has been grown and marketed in a container (contrast with balled and burlapped. bare root. containerized. and in-ground fabric bag-grown).
- containerizedfield-grown plant placed into a container for a time and then sold as a potted plant. Term does not include a plant initially grown in a container (contrast with balled and burlapped. bare root. container grown. and in-ground fabric bag-grown).
- continuing educationongoing education. particularly for professionals required to attend or complete additional instruction or training to maintain certification. licensing. membership. or registration.
- continuing education unit (CEU)a measure and confirmation of continuing education.
- control linein speedlining. the line used to control the descent of the load on the speedline and to retrieve the pulley or traveler assembly.
- controlled-release fertilizerslow-release or slowly soluble form of fertilizer.
- conventional notch45-degree notch with a horizontal bottom cut. Used in removing trees or branches. Also called common notch (contrast with Humboldt notch and open-face notch).
- coppicingsilvicultural technique in which trees are cut at the ground and allowed to re-sprout from the stumps. Used to produce biomass. fuelwood. or poles of a particular specification. Sometimes described as basal pollarding (contrast with pollarding).
- CoptotermesThe genus Coptotermes (termite) is characterized by the presence of a pear-shaped head, narrow at front with a pointed labrum in the soldier caste (Pearce et al., 1993). Mandibles are slender, sharply pointed and slightly incurved without marginal teeth. Most distinctive in the soldier caste(...)
- cordateterm describing a heart-shaped leaf.
- cork cambiumlateral meristem from which the corky. protective outer layer of bark is found. Also known as phellogen.
- cost of curemethod used to appraise the monetary value of tree and landscape losses based on the treatment needed to return the property to a reasonable approximation of its original condition.
- cotyledonone or more seed leaves that form first in J the embryo.
- Council of Tree and Landscape Appraisers (CTLA)group of representatives of several tree care and landscape associations that works to research and author the Guide for Plant Appraisal.
- cow hitchknot commonly used to attach hardware to a tree. Should be backed up or finished with a half hitch.