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- best management practices {BMP)best-available. industry-recognized courses of action. in consideration of the benefits and limitations. based on scientific research and current knowledge.
- better half hitchhalf-hitch(es). typically two or more. added to other knots for additional security. Also called finishing with a half hitch." "
- biennialplant living two years. Usually grows vegetatively the first year. then flowers and fruits the second year (compare to annual and perennial).
- bifurcationnatural division of a branch. stem. or root into two parts.
- bightcurve or arc in a rope between the working end and the standing part.
- binomialin biology. a taxonomic name consisting of a genus name and a species epithet. used to designate species.
- biodegradablecapable of being broken down by natural. organic processes and reabsorbed into the environment.
- biodiversitybiological diversity in an environment as indicated by number of different species of plants and animals.
- biogenic volatile organic compoundspollutants. produced by trees. that can contribute to the formation of ozone and carbon monoxide.
- biological control1) method of managing plant pests or weeds through the use of natural predators. parasites. or pathogens. 2) biological methods management of vegetation by establishment and conservation of compatible. stable plant communities using plant competition. allelopathy. animals. insects. or(...)
- biorational control productproduct or pesticide formulated from naturally occurring plant extracts. microbes. or microbial by-products that poses very low risk to non-target organisms and has limited environmental persistence.
- biorational pesticide1) pesticide formulated from naturally occurring plant extracts. microbes. or microbial by-products that poses very low risk to non-target organisms. 2) pesticide that has limited environmental persistence and poses very low risk to non-target organisms.
- bioticpertaining to non-human. living organisms.
- biotic agenta living organism capable of causing disease.
- biotic disorderdisorder caused by a living organism (contrast with abiotic disorder).
- bipinnatedouble pinnate (contrast with palmate and pinnate).
- bladeI) expanded body of a leaf. 2) sharp. cutting part of a tool.
- Blake's hitchfriction knot climbers use. sometimes in place of the tautline hitch or Prusik knot.
- bleedingI) flow of sap from plant wounds. injuries. or pathogen invasion. 2) flow of blood from a human or animal wound. 3) process of removing air from a fluid system (such as hydraulic brakes on a vehicle).
- blended fertilizermix of slow-release and soluble fertilizers. with the percentage of water-insoluble nitrogen (WIN) listed on the label.
- blightany disease or disorder. regardless of their.. causal agent that kills young plant tissues .
- blisterElevation of epidc:rmis containing watery liquid
- BLMBureau of Land Management
- block1) heavy-duty pulley used in rigging. designed for dynamic loading. 2) casing enclosing one or more parallel pulleys.
- block and tacklesystem of two or more pulleys with a rope or cable threaded between them. usually used to lift or pull heavy loads.
- blocking1) method of using an arborist block to rig down trunk sections (contra t with butt-hitching). 2) l in some countries. to remove a trunk by cutting and dropping small pieces at a time.
- BMPbest management practices
- BoDboard of directors
- body-thrustmethod of ascending a tree using a climbing rope.
- bolemain trunk of a tree below the branches. usually used in reference to a tall tree whose first branch is high off the ground.
- bolt1) lag-or machine-threaded cable anchor or bracing rod; used with a nut and washer in supplemental support systems in trees. 2) a machine threaded fastener used with a nut and washer in various equipment or structures.
- bonding conductoran electrical connection between an electrically conductive object and a component of a lightning protection system that is intended to significantly reduce potential differences created by lightning currents.
- bonsaiart of managing tree growth through branch and root pruning to maintain a miniature form and size.
- boomlong. movable arm of an aerial device or crane.
- border zonea section of a transmission or pipeline right-of-way that extends from the wire or pipe zone to the right-of-way edge. The border zone is managed to promote a low-growing plant community of forbs. tall shrub . and low-growing trees below a specified height (e.g.. 25 ft or 7.5 m).
- bore cutusing the tip of a chain saw to cut into or through the middle of a piece of wood. Back-cut technique in which the hinge is established by plunge cutting through the stern. then cutting back away from the hinge. Plunge cut (contrast with back cut).
- botanical pesticidepesticide derived from plants.
- botanicalscompounds (pesticides. oils. etc.) made from plants.
- bowlineloop knot used to form single or double endline loop(s) in a rope. often to attach items to the rope (see bowline on a bight. running bowline).
- bowline on a bightknot used to form two loops in the standing part of a rope.
- box cable systemtree support cabling system that forms closed polygons. Used to join together more than three stems (contrast with direct cable system and triangular cable system).
- bracingthe installation of lag-threaded screws or threaded-steel rods in limbs. leaders. or trunks to provide supplemental support to weak branch unions.
- bracing rodmetal rod installed through branches or stems to limit movement and provide supplemental support.
- bractmodified leaf. usually growing just below the flower petals. Sometimes more prominent than and mistaken for the actual flower petals (e.g.. in Comus spp.).
- braided roperope construction in which the strands are woven together in a diagonal pattern (see strand).
- brancha secondary shoot or stem in a woody plant generally smaller than the parent.
- the angle. in decurrent trees typically less than 90 degrees. formed in the union between stem and branch.
- branch arrangementorientation and distribution of branches along a larger stem or main trunk.
- branch bark ridgeraised strip of bark at the top of a branch union. where the growth and expansion of the trunk or parent stem and adjoining branch push the bark into a ridge.
- branch collararea where a subdominate branch joins another branch or trunk that is created by the overlapping vascular tissues from both the branch and the trunk. Typically enlarged at the base of the branch.