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- branch protection zonechemically and physically modified tissue within the trunk or parent branch at the base of a smaller. subordinate branch that retards the spread of discoloration and decay from the subordinate stem into the trunk or parent branch.
- branch tapernatural. gradual reduction in the diameter of a branch from its point of origin to the tip (see taper).
- branch unionpoint where a branch originates from the trunk or another branch (see crotch).
- breach of dutyfailure to act in a reasonable manner.
- breaking strengthforce at which a new piece of equipment or rope fails under a static load.
- bridge graftmethod to repair a semi-girdled to completely girdled main trunk or other stem in which scion wood is grafted above and below the injury to reconnect the vascular cambium.
- broad-spectrum pesticidepesticide that kills a large number of unrelated species
- broadcast fertilizationapplication of granular fertilizer over the soil surface (contrast with drill-hole fertilization and liquid fertilization).
- brownout1) term describing the brown appearance of dead foliage. usually following the application of herbicide. 2) term describing a reduction in power distributed by an electric utility. usually associated with extreme demand but sometimes with tree-related damage.
- brush chippersee chipper.
- BSBritish Standard
- BSIBritish Standards Institution
- buckingcutting of a tree trunk or log into shorter. manageable sections.
- buckstrapstrap used in tree climbing. often employed for ascending trees with climbing spurs. (see lanyard. flip line. safety lanyard. and work-positioning lanyard).
- budundeveloped flower or shoot containing a meristematic growing point. Small lateral or terminal protuberance on the stem of a plant that may develop into a flower or shoot.
- bud tracevascular connection extending from the base of latent buds inward to near the pith. Often accompanied by altered wood grain. Grows in length with each annual increment and appears as a thin. continuous line when viewed in longitudinal section.
- budgetitemized estimate of expected income and expenses for a given period in the future used to allocate resources to programs and activates; a management plan for meeting the organization's goals and objectives.
- budget cyclethe process of compiling. reviewing. and approving a budget. usually taking place over several months.
- buffering capacityability of a soil to maintain (i.e.. resist change in) its pH.
- bulk densitymass of soil per unit volume. Often used as a measure of soil compaction.
- bull ropelarge diameter rope used in rigging.
- buntline hitchhitch commonly used to attach a line to a piece of hardware.
- burl(burr) an abnormal swelling of a tree trunk characterized by swirling wood grain and meristematic tissue. Wood with these structures is prized for woodworking. Contrast with gall.
- burl (burr)an abnormal swelling of a tree trunk characterized by swirling wood grain and meristematic tissue. Wood with these structures is prized for woodworking (contrast with gall).
- burlapstrong. coarsely woven cloth made from fibers of jute. flax. hemp. or synthetic fibers; also referred to as Hessian.
- bushing1) metallic tube or lining. without moving parts. to reduce friction between mechanical parts such as a pulley sheave and an axle; also the nonrotating sheave used to increase the bend radius for the sling attachment (contrast with bearing). 2) a device. often made of rubber or plastic. to(...)
- butt-hitchingmethod of lowering pieces when the rigging point is below the work. traditionally without the use of a block (contrast with blocking).
- butt-tyingtying off a limb at the butt (larger) end for rigging. allowing the branch to be lowered tip-end first.
- butterfly knotknot that can be used to form a loop in the standing part of a line.
- buttress rootsroots at the trunk base that help support the tree.
- bypass prunera tool that pus hes a sharpened blade through a small-diameter ste m. past an unsharpened hooked or curved blade. Also called secateurs. pruning shears. or hand pruners (contrast with anvil-type pruning tool).
- cable1) v. to install steel cable or synthetic rope between branches within a tree to limit movement and provide supplemental support. 2) n. steel wires twisted together in a uniform helical arrangement; cable intended for arboricultural applications typically contain seven wires that are(...)
- cable aiddevice used to tighten lags and aid in cable installation.
- cable anchorin tree support systems. hardware to which a cable termination is affixed in a cabling or guying installation.
- cable clampdouble-bolted. U-shaped clamp. sometimes used to secure tree cables.
- cable gripmechanical device that grasps and holds cable during installation. Also called a cable puller.
- cable stopin tree support systems. metal fitting that can be affixed to the ends of steel cable strands to terminate a cable installation.
- cablinginstallation of steel or synthetic cable in a tree to provide supplemental support to weak branches or crotches.
- CAIDIcustomer average interruption f duration index
- calcareousSoil or media containing calcium carbonate; a soil alkaline in reaction because of the presence or calcium carbonate
- caliperinstrument used to measure the diameter of the trunk of a tree.
- callusundifferentiated tissue formed by the cambium. carbon. hydrogen. and oxygen in a proportion of usually as the result of wounding (contrast with woundwood).
- Canadian Standards Association (CSA)Canadian not-for-profit association. made up of representatives from government agencies. industry and other stakeholders. providing standards documentation and training materials. Serves a similar role to the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) in the United States.
- canopycollective branches and foliage of a tree or group octrees' crowns. Aggregate or collective tree crowns.
- canopy covercollective area covered with tree crowns; most easily determined from an aerial photograph.
- cant hooklever with an adjustable hook and having a blunt end instead of a spike. Used for handling and rolling logs (contrast with peavey).
- capital assetfacilities and equipment that have a useful life of several years or more. The value of capital assets is depreciated over their expected life.
- capital budgetbudget for purchases and the construction. replacement. and maintenance of physical improvements that will be used for many years.
- carbon sequesteringstorage of carbon in plant tissues.
- carbon sequestrationcapturing and long-term storage of carbon. Most often used in reference to the capturing and retention of atmospheric carbon dioxide through biological. chemical. or physical processes. Trees sequester carbon through photosynthesis.